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Ramsey Wishacy - NEW CHAPTER UP! Pg 10 - 5/14/17


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    SimMadMegSimMadMeg Posts: 685 Member
    I love the new chapter xxx I want to see their wedding!

    If you ever have any pose requests lovesstorms you can email me and I'll do them if I can. x
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    CeltyGirly wrote: »
    I saw you updated and got really excited!! I need to run upstairs and grab my iPad so i can read it. (I hate reading on my phone)
    Glad to hear that things are going better :)

    Thanks! I know! I am super excited, too! :)

    SimMadMeg wrote: »
    I love the new chapter xxx I want to see their wedding!

    If you ever have any pose requests lovesstorms you can email me and I'll do them if I can. x

    Thanks! I have the wedding pics already, I just have to get the chapter going. I may work on it tonight, but we'll see. Big Bang Theory and the Voice are both on. I'm not even sure which one I'm watching. LOL!

    Lady, if I get talented enough to come up with pose ideas, I'll let you know! You never know, I may come up with a few. Do you go somewhere for inspiration or just what your story needs?
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    SimMadMegSimMadMeg Posts: 685 Member
    normally it is what my story needs. Like 14 toddler sign language poses because isabelle is hearing impaired. I will need to do another sign language pack for when isabelle ages up.

    And since I have decided babies are annoying I am now doing more and more resized toddler poses so that I will no longer have any need for the sims 3 babies.
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    I have a few toddler poses, but I will always love more of those. ;) There is definitely a lack of them. :kissing:
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    edited October 2014
    So, I've decided to change a few things and I hope you all approve. I'm slightly worried about what you will think, but I know it will help enhance the story overall. So, hopefully, you won't mind the changes. ;) Please go to my Welcome! page to read more information.
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    I like you are makeing it your own....
    and it is still wish guided...
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    WinteryGarnetWinteryGarnet Posts: 2,320 Member
    I think that's cool and it will allow your story to develop :)

    I think most of us cheat at times so I'd be a hypocrite if I harped at you for breaking rules plus it's your story you shouldn't worry what other people think about how you do it (easier said than done of course) but I'll look forward to every chapter as always no matter what :D
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Thanks! Well, I just wanted to clarify because at first, I was not cheating. I was truly following the wishacy rules and did so most of the way through Justine's generation. It was a challenge not cheat, so I enjoyed it and still do at times. However, then I decided to include that crazy blue baby. What was I thinking? LOL!

    As time went on, I'd get annoyed because I didn't cheat. For instance, when Justine (or London) had a wish to go on a date. They'd get all ready, get all their needs up, but Marvin or Es would be at work or they'd be "over later". Ugh! So, I'd have to start all over. No wonder it took me forever to get a chapter up because it took forever for them to get together. LOL!

    So, this is partly to help with time, too. If I have a little more control over what I'm doing then playing the game will go a little faster and I can work on the next chapter faster with more content.

    I am a cut the corners kind of girl, if I can. So, this will help a lot in time. Honestly, I still can't tell you all how excited I am! :D Thanks for the support!
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    It is just a little like what I do

    I do play wishary style

    but Not completely wishary because, I will push bed times, push breakfast and dinner eating as a family + the ocational shower and toilet.
    I will also push activities related to their LTW even if they don’t have wishes for it.
    Sometimes push activities logical for that sim (or for their parent to tell them to do) depending on their traits and non locked wishes.

    As an added bonus and challenge for me, I will set a badged goal for each sim and push them now and then towards it. I will try and find badgeds for kids and up, but they get 1 marked down atleast as YA (if I can) I will only set them a goal badged if there is any one fitting them and my almost no supernatural gameplay.

    I will send the family to the festival 1 time every season and get a family picture and share it, maybe do it on big events at other building to, like graduation send the graduating sim and parents to city hall.

    This way the badgedes and shared photos will still update the legacy a little.

    The family will take on family traveles about 1 time a year… sometimes more often, I try to plan it around the holyday or a weekend. The detination will depend on the sims

    so is that cheating... well not true wishary... but in the family of it....
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    That is a lot of what I do, too, anette! I am struggling with the supernatural stuff. I try not to deal with it too much. I like the zombies every once in awhile, but lately I've been kicking them out, too. They gross me out. Haha!

    Ok, this next chapter took me a lot longer than I had planned. They are up, though. Hooray!!

    There is a provocative chapter (though some may not think so) that I rated PG-13, so please choose accordingly. :D Enjoy!!!

    2.3 - Tying the Knot (PG-13)

    2.3 - Tying the Knot
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    WinteryGarnetWinteryGarnet Posts: 2,320 Member
    Loved that chapter! Esmeralda and London are such beautiful sims and are quite the cute couple. Also, brilliant cliffhanger because now I'm very curious about what is going to happen.
    I love how you're writing for London. Just something about his POV is very nice.
    This whole comment was basically stream of consciousness. It's barely coherent.
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    edited October 2014
    CeltyGirly wrote: »
    Loved that chapter! Esmeralda and London are such beautiful sims and are quite the cute couple. Also, brilliant cliffhanger because now I'm very curious about what is going to happen.
    I love how you're writing for London. Just something about his POV is very nice.
    This whole comment was basically stream of consciousness. It's barely coherent.

    Maybe you should go to bed. :D

    Thanks!! I am trying VERY hard to put myself in a man's shoes. It's been tough, but it does help that I'm married and can pull from that. :) Honestly, I thought I'd get everything I wanted in this chapter including all the wedding and more, but then I kept writing. ;) Also, I'm still trying to get all my notes together to see what I truly want to do for London. I'm SO glad I switched the way I am doing things. I feel FREE! Kind of like I'm king of the world! 97ada74b88049a6d50a6ed40898a03d7.gif


    I know, completely cliche, but I do like that movie. ;)
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,991 Member
    Yummy... :p
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    So, I haven't been ignoring my story. Well, I was for a bit because I had no idea what I was going to do. But it was always on my mind. I was even getting stressed over it. I kept dawdling and would go in tiny spurts of trying to figure out what I wanted to do.

    However, I am working VERY hard on it NOW. In fact, I joined a special group of people who write stories in November. It's called National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. My sister kind of got me into along with a few other people from skype. Anyway, the basics of it is to write 50,000 words in the month of Nov. You write your "novel" and you can go do almost anything as long as it is about the same story. I was hesitant since I write about a game, but my sister said she writes fan fiction (kind of), so what's the difference. So, I decided to try it. I wasn't sure I'd be great, but at least I'd give it a whirl.

    Well, I just reached my 50,000 words for the month. It was SO much fun to write London's story and he is still going strong, along with his family. Also, I went to town on this whole thing. I mean, I pretended like it wasn't a game so I could have a lot more freedom. So, my mind went a little crazy and some weird things happened. I had times where a side character kind of came to life and wouldn't be quiet. I finally told him to stand back, and he did. :D Other times unexpected things happened that I did not want in my story. You keep those anyway, since they were still part of the story and it adds to my word count. However, I moved them to the very end, so I could forget the horror that I thought about at one time. Some I'll keep and others will stay in the NaNo vault forever.

    Suffice it to say, London's story is NOT boring. >:) NaNoWriMo has helped me immensely! It helped me work out the kinks in my story and made it even better. So, I just wanted you to know, that once I am done with London's story, I'll hop back into the game, play some to add more to the story, make lots of poses for my own story stuff and take my pictures. Then, I'll get another chapter or two out. If I keep working hard, by the end of the month, I'll be done with his story. I'm very excited about this and I hope you will be too! :D
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    ThePartySimThePartySim Posts: 852 Member
    I'm really excited to read it! I was wondering what happened to London lol
    My stories:
    A Graying World
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,991 Member
    Lo, thats so Cool! Cant wait to read it! :D
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    I can't wait for you to read it. Lol!
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Had issues getting aliens in my family (for pics ONLY, not to play game). I finally accomplished that goal, though. Just have to find the time to take the pics. Unsure when yet, but will work on it as often as I can (more so maybe after the holidays). <3
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,991 Member
    Take your time :D
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    I know, but I HATE keeping everyone waiting. Boo!
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    You have NO idea how hard I worked on this. I hope you enjoy it! :wink:

    2.4 - The Surprise

    2.4 - The Surprise (PG-13)
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Oh, I'm so excited for the next chapter! I'm already editing it! I know, can you believe it!? Now that the holidays are behind us, things should go a little more smoothly. I can't wait to share what I've written.

    I do apologize for the last chapter. It seemed a bit too long. I should have broken it up. :\ Also, I might want a tad bit of feedback. I worry that the last chapter scared everyone away. Originally, this story felt more lighthearted and fun. I don't plan on going too far from that, but having a blue sim messes my original plan. Sometimes I regret keeping him blue, to be honest. It's complicated everything.

    I've been working on the sims' feelings and thoughts a little more. Also developing a little more character. Maybe I should go back to doing a full wishacy. What do you think? (Honestly, I'm almost afraid to ask this question since I worked so hard on the story.) :\
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,991 Member
    Its Cool! I like it! :D<3
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Thanks! I'm glad you do! I just get nervous when it's something close to my heart. :\
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
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